So after Thai Sport Day, we were shuttled to the National Theatre in Suphan Buri in a snazzy bus with fans mounted all on the ceiling. We made sure we were super riap roy (dressed complete and appropriately) for this event, even though we just spent the morning engaging in physical activity in the heat and humidity. more “Peace Corps: Experiencing Thai Theater”
Tag: pre service training
Peace Corps Video Blog: a Hospital Trip
A lot of exciting things happening here in Thailand, included a quick trip to the hospital for a couple stitches. Why did I need stitches? Check out my video blog for the story.
Peace Corps: Thai Sports Day
As I said before, in addition to the trainings we sit through we spend our Saturdays in an organized Thai cultural activity. This past Saturday was Thai Sports Day.
This day entailed us being divided into 6 teams of different colors. Each team had to create a cheer incorporating Thai and English. After, each team played one short game of chairball, dtaw graw and a game similar to bocci ball.
Dtaa Moong Dtaa: A Thai Song
As part of Thai Day, we learned the Thai song “Dtaa Moong Dtaa.” It literally means “Eye Sees Eye,” but more loosely translated, it refers to friendship and seeing love in the other person. My friend and language classmate Jessie lead us all to sing it together. Check it out!
Peace Corps: Thai Culture Day
In addition to spending my work week learning to speak Thai and teaching in a Thai classroom, on Saturday we have half a day dedicated to Thailand cultural and community related activities. The first Saturday in the village was the first day we spent with our families; the next Saturday we biked around our immediate areas to make maps of where we live and what was around us. Then we had “Thai Day,” which involved dressing up in Thai clothes, making Thai food, Thai dancing and eating Thai style. more “Peace Corps: Thai Culture Day”
Peace Corps: Glimpses of the First Month
As promised here are some pictures from my first month here in the Land of Smiles. Enjoy! more “Peace Corps: Glimpses of the First Month”
Peace Corps Pre-Service Training: Second Week
Week two in Thailand in the books, but it feels like I’ve been here much longer. Every day I have this feeling come over me that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be, that this is exactly what I should be doing in my life. Clearly, spending 4 hours a day learning how to speak Thai and another 4 hours learning teacher basics is what I’m meant to be doing. more “Peace Corps Pre-Service Training: Second Week”
Peace Corps Pre-Service Training: First Week
On Monday, January 14 at approximately 12:10 a.m. local time, I touched down in Bangkok by way of Narita, Japan by way of San Francisco. The 50 other trainees and I rode an hour and a half to the hotel to prepare for the next week of training that was set to begin six hours later. Since then, it all has seemingly been non-stop. more “Peace Corps Pre-Service Training: First Week”
Peace Corps: the Very Beginning
I will soon board a plane with the final destination of San Francisco.
On Friday, I officially become a Peace Corps Trainee. I meet my cohorts in Thailand 125. I turn in my last pieces of paperwork. I get my passports back. I fall asleep for the last time in the US for at least 27 months. I’ll probably have one last American moment of sheer terror and panic while maintaining my cool on the outside (I’m sure those will slowly taper off throughout my training.) more “Peace Corps: the Very Beginning”