Laotian Dancing in Luang Prabang

While I was in Luang Prabang, Laos, there was a handicraft festival going on. There were dozens of booths of handicrafts from all over. However, in addition to the handicrafts, there was also a stage showcasing cultural performances. The evening I was there, I got to see a variety of dance performances. Some of them are quite similar to the traditional dances I’ve seen in Thailand. But, there were also some b-boys that were pretty good.

5 Essential Items for a Thai Kitchen

When I found out I was coming to Thailand, most people I told were excited for me to learn how to cook real authentic Thai food. I don’t feel like I have learned that much, but I think that is because the host family that I spent time with when my language was at the level of rudimentary communication wasn’t very good in the kitchen. My first host family was awesome and I plan to visit with them and spend all of my time with them in the kitchen. But one thing I have picked up on are the things that are in Thai kitchens. Here are five things you need in your kitchen if you want to cook like the Thais do.

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Time Lapse: Houay Xai to Luang Prabang

Since it’s bpit term, it’s the best time to take an extended vacation. I decided to take a two week trip into Thailand’s ASEAN neighbor, Laos. I read about being able to take a boat ride down the Mekong River from Chiang Rai to the UNESCO Heritage City, Luang Prabang. The trip takes two days, and has beautiful views along the river. Check it out!

Why Asian Cat Tails are Crooked

Last month, I was given a kitten. I had mentioned how I missed my cat in the States and that maybe I would want a cat here. Lo and behold, one of the teachers shows up at my house with a tiny orange kitten. I’m glad that I have her; she entertains me in a way that only kittens can entertain. Her name is Julius. One thing about Julius is that, like most cats in Thailand, she has a kinked tail.

more “Why Asian Cat Tails are Crooked”

Bpai Tiao: School Field Trip to Korat

I’ve posted about the field trip that I went on to Chonburi with the 4-6th graders, and last week Wednesday was the 1st-3rd graders turn for some end of the semester fun.

I got a message from my co-teacher the day before telling me about it, since school has been out and I wouldn’t have known about it. She told me that they were going to go to the museum and the Korat Zoo. I figured, I haven’t been to the Korat Zoo before and it would be a good opportunity for me to spend some time with some of the other teachers at the school, so I went along.

more “Bpai Tiao: School Field Trip to Korat”

Healthcare System in Thailand

Healthcare is a seemingly constant policy issue coming up in the United States. Frequently, the healthcare systems in other countries are held up as either examples of improvements or as warnings. Healthcare in Thailand is an interesting topic, as the top reason for tourism to the country is actually medical tourism. In addition to the world class medical centers in Bangkok, people in the rural areas are covered by a universal healthcare scheme.

more “Healthcare System in Thailand”

Reflecting on My First Semester During Bpit Term

My first semester of working in Thai schools in now on the books and completed. Last Thursday the students had their second of two days of testing and the school shut down for the semester after that. Officially, by the government, school was supposed to go until October 10, but I’m not complaining. We’re supposed to go back on November 1. It is officially bpit term, literally meaning “closed term.”

more “Reflecting on My First Semester During Bpit Term”