For the Love of Karaoke in Thailand

I’m writing this on a Friday night and a raging karaoke party is bumping right outside my door and has been for the past couple hours. I foresee it going a couple more. I ventured out at the beginning of the party to get some stuff from the raan kai ka, or little store and closed my door when I came home as I did not have the energy to try and join the festivities this time. But I did try to analyze karaoke in an Asian context as opposed to a Western one. more “For the Love of Karaoke in Thailand”

Peace Corps Week 2014 Video: Laura and Zack

In honor of Peace Corps Week this year, the team at headquarters in Washington is holding a video contest. The theme is “What I Wish Americans Knew.” My friends and fellow volunteers, Zack and Laura, created a really great video. Check it out!

So Much Fun at the 2014 Thai Youth Theatre Festival

Right around this time last year, my group, Thailand 125, watched videos made by the group before us that advertised all the different committees of volunteers working here in Thailand. They ranged from HIV/AIDS Outreach committee to the Project Resource Committee to Sticky Rice Newsletter to the Thai Youth Theatre Project Committee. I was drawn to a number of them, and applied for quite a few and was selected to be an editor of the volunteer produced newsletter Sticky Rice and to be the Deputy Director of Public Relations for the Thai Youth Theatre Committee.

A group of my students have been preparing to perform at the annual Festival, the culminating event of the TYT Project, which was this past weekend. Nearly 140 students from 13 different communities came together in Lopburi to learn about singing, dancing, mask making, shadow puppets and sword fighting and to perform a short play entirely in English that they had prepared in front of the rest of the participants. I’ll let the pictures from this weekend speak for themselves. more “So Much Fun at the 2014 Thai Youth Theatre Festival”

6 Exotic (and Delicious) Fruits of Thailand

When I was in San Francisco for staging, the first couple days of Peace Corps before leaving for whatever country you’ve been assigned to, one of the facilitators said, “Any fruit lovers? You are going to love Thailand. There is so much fresh fruit and so many different kinds.” Having had a year to experience all of the different fruit seasons here, I can tell you for certain, that she was right. Let me give you a short run down of some of the fruits here that are not as widely available in the States. more “6 Exotic (and Delicious) Fruits of Thailand”

My Peace Corps Service is 50% Complete

There have been a flurry of time marking milestones happening over the last couple months. First, there was New Year’s Eve and Day. Next came the one year anniversary of coming to Thailand. Then there was my 26th birthday. Friday was Maka Bucha Day, or the first Thai holiday that I have had a chance to celebrate twice. Finally, Sunday marked the day of the half-way point of my service in Thailand. I have now been in Thailand longer than I have left here. more “My Peace Corps Service is 50% Complete”

Woman Monk’s Fight for Equality in Thailand

A group of Peace Corps volunteers recently held the first Girls Leading Our World (GLOW) camp in Thailand. One of the aims of this camp is to build the confidence and broaden the horizons of girls. The organizers invited a female monk to come and speak to the girls. In Thailand, only men are allowed to be monks, but these women are challenging the status quo. Check out this documentary about them!

Reflecting on My Life on My 26th Birthday

This past Saturday was my birthday. I turned 26. I had read about a craft beer party that a beer import company, Beervana, was having in a city not too far from my village, Khon Kaen. So that is what I did; I went and drank delicious Oregon craft beer, ate pizza, drank beer from a brewery in Khon Kaen, and ate bruschetta and potato salad in dill sauce. I stayed at a hotel and took a shower with hot water. It was a good birthday. more “Reflecting on My Life on My 26th Birthday”

Common Animals in a Thai Village

As a Peace Corps volunteer, I live in a rural area. One thing that I think is characteristic of any rural area is the presence of animals and livestock. As I rode my bike past the local herd of cows, that are different from cows in the States, I thought about how different the animals are that I encounter on a near daily basis than the animals that I came in contact with regularly in the States. So, here is a short list and some pictures of the animals that are a part of my life in Thailand. more “Common Animals in a Thai Village”